In the eyes of the pure I see the other side Refused to hide my pride, I laid it on the line Now I'm faced with what I couldn't embrace Too little too late, nothing but a sour taste I said my prayers to God, so he answered me Gave me what I wanted, not what I needed Turned away from the light, every day's darker With each line I write, the heart grows harder So what do I do With the promises I made So what do I do Do I shine or do I fade? So what do I do In my ways I'm set Wait and see what I do I'm not finished yet Trust in no one and no one will trust in you Failed the test Tried, not fucking true Locked up in four chambers till the blood runs out Bound and gagged with your foot in your mouth Smoke it down to the filter Like a slap in the face It's been a long time coming Gone without a trace I know the night is young But I feel so old Cold air fills my lungs I'm almost home So what do I do With the promises I made So what do I do Do I shine or do I fade? So what do I do In my ways I'm set Wait and see what I do I'm not finished yet Benefit of the doubt, you sold me out Enemy of my enemy, sight unseen No use coming clean Unsuspected, standing corrected Disbelief suspended