Down To Nothing

Fire Escape

Down To Nothing

What meant so much now doesn't mean a thing 
It's been thrown around and fucking thrown away 
I don't know what happened to change all this 
But I hate it, I want to bring it back 
It's not cool anymore now to show your pride 
It's cool to sell out what you have inside 
Where did all the feeling go? It died 
What's left? What's there? 
I want to feel alive 
Stand tall, stand strong 
Is there anybody that still cares? 
Half the kids we looked up to 
And those who sang their heart felt songs 
They packed their bags and split 
And they left the edge, and they didn't give a shit 
Now, we're "the kids with broken hearts" 
We're "The hardest kids with X's by our names" 
Our numbers aren't as high, 
but we wear the name without shame 
What's left? Who's there? 
I want to feel alive 
Stand tall, stand strong 
Is there anybody that still fucking cares? 
I still fucking care 
I'm tired of watching it go 
We're an army dropping like flies 
It doesn't seem like it's real anymore 
When everybody runs, everybody dies