Let us pray for all of those who died today Let us pray that they may find their way back home Let us pray that they may see a brighter day Let us pray the darkness will not stay for long Let us pray for those who said goodbye today Let us pray that they will hear the angels song Let us pray for strength and peace and light today Let us pray more blood won’t help us right this wrong Let us have a day of silence Let us have a day of rest Let us have a day of quiet May their souls be heaven blessed Let us pray to end the violence Start today a peaceful quest Let us have a day of silence May our souls be heaven blessed Let us pray for those who lost their lives today Let us pray that heaven’s where they all belong Let us pray for those lost dads and wives today Let us pray their children find their way alone Let us pray for all of those who cried today Let us pray their tears of pain won’t stay for long & let us pray for all of those who died today Let us pray that they may find their way back home Let us have a day of silence Let us have a day of rest Let us have a day of quiet May their souls be heaven blessed Let us pray to end the violence Start today a peaceful quest Let us have a day of silence Let us pray for all of those who died today