Douglas Ladnier

Hands Of Grace

Douglas Ladnier

I don’t need to be protected
Shielded, killed then resurrected
Saved from fate by hands of grace
Then thrown to lions in this place

Give me strength to stand alone
Let me live then take me home
Blessed, betrayed and blessed again
Saved beginning in the end

Hands of grace
Hold me tight
Keep me safe
Through the night

Hands of grace
Hold my soul
Touch my face
Take me home

I lost track adding up my sins
I subtracted the outs and kept the ins
Saved by hands of grace once more
Led straight up to heaven’s door

Hands of grace
Hold me tight
Keep me safe
Through the night

Hands of grace
Hold my soul
Touch my face
Take me home

& with your hands of grace my son
The most that you can do, son
Is make your contribution
Toward our revolution
Make your contribution
Start the revolution
Use your hands of grace my son
To make your contribution

Hands of grace
Hold me tight
Keep me safe
Through the night

Hands of grace
Hold my soul
Touch my face
Take me home

Hands of grace
Hold me tight
Lead me straight
To the light