Double You

The Volume

Double You

Let's go... Hey Dj...

Hey mister Dj
Look what your doing
You got the people
Moving to a Base Drum

You gone to groove that
Move into a dancefloor
Bring back to melody
Bring back to music

Hey mister Dj
Play that fuck music
And makes the will song
Eletronic sounds down
You got the Vibe
You got gone on good
Hey mister Dj
Let's get party started

Pump up the volume (3x)
Turn music up

Pump up the volume (3x)
Turn music up

Turn music up (2x bis)

Hey mister Dj
You got the emotion
You move the crowds
In your cousin of emotion
But isn't focus
Bring back the home in
Bring back the music
Com on mister Dj

Pump up the volume (3x)
Turn music up

Pump up the volume (3x)
Turn music up

You such a fool
Play a fool

You such a fool
Play a fool

Pump up the volume (3x)
Turn music up

Pump up the volume (3x)

Pump up the volume (3x)
Turn music up

Pump up the volume (3x)
Turn music up

Turn music up (2x bis)