Chorus The water I give you will thirst no more The water I give you will thrist no more The water I give The water I give Veres I Jesus met the women of Samaria The women at the well Asked her for a drink of water That's the way the story tells She saId why do you ask that of me How will you draw In a well so deep Jesus said if you knew the gift of god And to whom the water I give Chorus Veres II Jesus whosoever drink of this water Shall never thrist again Springing up wells of water free you from your sins You need to be just like this women Who saId give me drink Then run and tell somebody come see a man Who'll give you everlasting life With the water I give Chorus Vamp With this water-----------water, water water, you will thrist no more Healing in the water Deliverance in the water Salvation in the water Joy in the water Peace in the water Love in the water You will thrist no more Jesus is the water------------------Jesus, Jesus he'll give you everlasting life He'll give you everlasting life