Dot Rotten

People You Know

Dot Rotten

It's not about the friends you got
It's more about the friends you keep, this shit deep
It's not about the talent you have
It's more about the people you know
The story starts off with this kid called no name
He had friends called no brain and don't change
I used to be tight with them three in the old days
I met this guy called ambition and he showed me the whole game
He said don't roll with that trio cause slackers is their code name
So yo i kept it moving and told them three to go away
Cause while ambition was driving they were loungin round with no aim
It was ok, me and ambition were co-dees like dope fiends and cocaine
I got acquainted to his whole team by road names
And through ambition i met writing and flow
Knowledge was the mastermind and content was always slightly involved
Plus they helped me get my shit right
And introduced me to this kid grime who had a friend called spit nice who said i spit nice
Grime always took spit nice advice and had a friend called music bizness
I always got told that he was the big guy
But to talk to him i heard you have to roll with determination and grime didn't like music bizness he said that he worked with satan
I met determination with content knowledge flow ambition, writing grime and spit nice, we went to see man bizness
But music bizness didn't seem to be interested
He said whoever be with grime he can't see as an investment
We wiled out, and left the meeting smiles upside down, determination bounced and we met up with this guy doubt
But doubt pissed me off cos he chilled with this yout called negative
I told negative if it aint good then don't say anything
And grime told me negative's got beef with this dude called positive
Who looks forward, on point, and he's always on top of shit
Positive sounded like the one, the negative said ...
If you don't like it grime, you should kill that music bizness
Now i'm looking at negative smiling with evil intentions
Grime said fuck this lets teach this music bizness a lesson
Then determination propped out of nowhere all unexpected
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They weren't listening to me, negative had their attention
I tried to explain to grime it weren't worth it but grime and negative's plans had already emerged perfect they were best friends
I got up and told ambition listen i'm going to see wisdom and vision and 2 oracles that i know down in the west end
I bucked my boy tempo to get there, i know he moves fast, i told him what happened he said yo 140 thats you darg
Wisdom and vision told me dot we know you got a true heart
You need to buck up with positive hes real and will guide you far
Vision picked up the phone and texted positive
2 seconds later ... was hollerin she looked at me and said you see that?
Answer the phone and she said that he said hes bringin feedback
I been tellin him i got potential to get signed and bring the p back
He said that i should meet up with him and his friend called mb
I told him to tell him i got a team he said for now let them be
So i met up with positive imagine mb was music bizness
But grime and negative knew where we were they had shooting sickness
Cross fire from positive and negative going at it
And grime shot down the music bizness i know it's tragic
I know positive thought that i set him up it was awful
The music bizness came back to life screamin hes immortal
Talking about nobody can take him down and grime's black listed so there's no point in makin sounds
I looked at mb and slowly saw the horns and tail
Goat shaped feet and a face that was born in hell
It's all around me, it's not about the friends you got
It's more about the friends you keep, this shit deep
It's not about the talent you have
It's more about the people you know, that's bizness yo
It's not about the friends you got
It's more about the friends you keep, this shit deep
It's not about the talent you have
It's more about the people you know, that's bizness yo.