Hello, hello Is this the PED? Well I just got An obscene call He threatened my life With a boy scout knife And a bad invitation to ball But officer please Put me at ease Would you repeat what you just said? There ain't nothin' that you Can begin to do Not until I can prove I'm dead? Hello, oh hi Is this the FBI? Got at obscene call On the phone He threatened my life With a boy scout knife And I'm scared 'cause I'm all alone What d'you mean You're on the scene You are watching me all the time You go binoculars trained On my window pain Just in case I commit A crime? Hello, oh hey Is this the CIA? Well this call came An hour ago And the FBI Thinks that I'm a spy And you say you already know Cause you got a bug In my Navajos rug And my telephone's tapped Of course Well who permitted this game Oh, the orders came They all came from A higher source? Hello station to station United Nations? Someone called before And it was real obscene Would you intervene? Oh, you're too busy Ending the war Well treaties and pacts Those are big time acts Ending war takes guts and gall But did you ever explore What begins a war? It begins with An obscene call! Hello GOD Hello this is me Listen God there's this call That I got And I've tried them all Tried the big and small I called the Whole inoperative lot I tried the FBI And the CIA And the keepers of The country clean What do you mean You're inclined to find This call of mine obscene? But we've been traced We've been spaced We've been human erased We've been mugged We've been bugged We've been detected We've been Hello God? God? We've been Disconnected!