lover lover be my cover till the night begins to fade oh the demons i have danced with lover lover i'm afraid to fall asleep the night is dark and deep and i am so afraid to sleep to fall asleep and dream lover lover let you body be my curtain be my shade i'm well acquainted with confusion lover lover i'm afraid to fall asleep the night is dark and deep and i am so afraid to sleep to fall asleep and dream something waits 'neath the water shapes and shadows drifting near someone watches in the darkness lover won't you make him disappear hold my tense and tired body i am scared to close my eyes how i wish the reassuring sun would rise lover lover be my cover so those demons won't parade 'round me while i lie defenseless lover lover i'm afraid to fall asleep and dream lover lover be my cover so those demons won't parade 'round me while i lie defenseless lover lover i'm afraid to fall asleep the night is dark and deep and i am so afraid to sleep to fall asleep and dieLover Lover Be My Cover