Chorus I still have joy; I still have joy! After all the things I've been through, I still have joy! (sing twice) There were times in my life when I felt I couldn't go on But the Lord He blessed me and He made me strong. I kept the faith and I held on through the night. This is my testimony--that He made everything alright! Chorus I get joy when I think about all He's done for me. He even broke the habits trying to conquer me. Well, I spoke to the mountain; it ran down to the sea. I can't begin to tell you what He's done for me! Chorus There are times in my life when I feel I can't go on, But the Lord He blesses and He makes me strong. I keep the faith and I hold on through the night. This is my testimony-- that He'll make everything alright! Chorus After all the things I've been through, I still have joy!