Doron Mazar


Doron Mazar

Mi hashomeret besheket et derech ha'ahava
Mi hachoderet kir even venotenet becha tikva
Eretz umayim biyaf hi overet, ge'a kula
Of hashamyim, kol halayil, nose kola

Cheruti - kmo haruach chofshiya,
cheruti - hi almavet hi chaya
Dim'ata - ketzilo shel yom koder,
nishmata - hi lapid bo'er
Cheruti - hi bavat eini ka'et
sgor ota vehi timalet

Ein la mano'ach me'ele asher mevakshim nafsha
Yesh la od ko'ach, lo, hem lo yiru'a beyeusha
Eretz umayim chotza bli margo'a pgu'a kula
Of hashamyim ko halyil yisa kola
