I just flew in from the windy city the windy city is mighty purdy but they aint got what we got no sir e They got shacks up to seven stories Never see any more the glories But a step from our doorway We got em for free Theyve got those minstrel shows purdy ladys in the big chapos private lawns public parks for the sake of civic virtue they've got fountains there that squirt you I just flew in from the windy city The windy city is mighty purdy But they aint got what we got Im tellin you boys We got more life in Deadwood city than the whole of Ilanoy On the street was a dancing fella all dressed up in a suit a yella and the dance that he did there went something like this. ( does a dance) Calamity . Whistle (men start to whistle) Calamity. More (they whistle more) (Calamity does a tap dance) U shoulda seen me a window shopping window shopping with eyes a popping at the sites that u see there yes sir e press a bell and a moment later up u go in an elevator just as fast as a polecat a climbing a tree i heard claim hundreds came to a thing they call a baseball game Seaguard stores revolving doors Men wear sideburns and they aughta cause a haircut costs a quarter I just flew in from the windy city the windy city is mighty purdy But they aint got what we got I'm telin you boys I aint a swopping half a deadwood for the whole of illanoy