Doris Day

I Just Blew In From The Windy City

Doris Day

I just blew in from the Windy City.
The Windy City is mighty purty,
But they ain't got whut we got- no, siree!

They got shacks up to seven stories,
Never see any mornin' glories-
But, a step from our doorway, we got 'em fer free.

They got those minstrel shows,
Purty ladies in the big chapeaux,
Private lawns, public parks-
Fer the sake of civic virtue
They got fountains there that squirt you-

I just blew in from the Windy City,
The Windy City is mighty purty,
But they ain't got whut we got!
I'm tellin' ya, boys-
We got more life in Deadwood City
Than in all of Illinois!

On the street was a dancin' feller,
All dressed up in a suit of yeller,
An' the dance that he did there went sump'n like this.
(Whistle! More!)

Ya should've seen me a-winder-shoppin',
A-winder-shoppin' with my eyes a-poppin'
At the sights that ya see there- yes, siree!

Press a bell and a moment later
Up ya go in an elevator,
Just as fast as a polecat a-climbin' a tree.

I heard claim hundreds came
To a thing they call a baseball game.
Ceegar stores, revolvin' doors-
Men wear sideburns, an' they orter,
'Cause a haircut costs a quarter!

I just blew in from the Windy City,
The Windy City is mighty purty,
But they ain't got whut we got.
I'm tellin' ya, boys,
I ain't a-swappin' half of Deadwood fer the whole of Illinois!