Tell me, my speaker-box. When did I know the world is dark? Now, I can't get the answer by my self. Tell me, my speaker-box. I'm utterly losing my way now. Have you finished exciting my mind yet? I know what I can't talk with you even if I plug into you. But I'm certain of day that you are coming soon to my place. I wanna get your answer now. *My dream was falling from my speaker-box every night. You never answer to me anymore. But I know your tone, I trust your voice, and I love your feeling even tonight. Tell me, my speaker-box. Did I fall out of trust by myself? Now I've forgotten how to talk to you. Tell me, my speaker-box. Is it unchanged day and night? oh let me know. I wanna get your answer now. My dream was falling from my speaker-box every night. You never answer to me anymore. But I know your tone, I trust your voice, and I love your feeling even tonight. I know what I can't talk with you even if I plug into you. But I'm certain of day that you are coming soon to my place. *Repeat