"i gloriosi fasti di una civiltà sepolta Sotto le sabbie dei deserti del tempo Nell'aria i sogni andati nelle memorie delle terre perdute Di rado nelle antiche lande del sogno le impronte degli dei" All around us we saw The silent ruins of the centuries Unfathomable abyss of the deep oceans Visions that were losing The peace and the balance Of nature and its laws Those mountains evoked a strange and wonderful sensation Under the reddish light of the sun Those frightening And majestic peaks Were pylons of a frightful door Leading to a forbidden Sphere of dream And to the vortex of time and space Those mountains evoked a strange and wonderful sensation Under the reddish light of the sun Here are the mountains of madness Which faced the last cursed abyss The ruins of the temples Situated on the peaks of the mountains In a cosmic ethereal vacuum In labirinths of walls and towers Restless ice vapours above our heads Here is the cyclopic city With its constructions As black as the night! That gave life to monstrous perversions Of geometrical laws The cosmic terror in the giants towers