
National Lobotomy


You used to care, you once complained
Now existing in hope, but your life won’t change

National lobotomy
National lobotomy

You traded your life, you have been consumed
By dreams of wealth, you have been subdued

National lobotomy
National lobotomy

It could be you who sleeps in the street
It could be you who loses it all
It could be you who gets sectioned
It could be you who ends it all

A national obsession, a national disease
For a better life, you’re on your knees

National lobotomy
National lobotomy

(Shit jobs, shit wages, bastard landlords, greedy bosses
Racist fuckwits, power crazed pigs and the fucking criminal injustice bill
But it’s ok, ‘it could be you’ but not this week
You were only 6 numbers away from fighting back)