We are all victims in a war for freedom This is not their world it is ours and we must stand up and be counted For centuries the powerful few have exploited and abused us from their ivory towers of violence and control From the fortresses of state, capitalism and religion they control us with their unjust laws with their financial prisons and their supernatural lies and deceit We are all victims of their system A system created to protect the powerful ruling elite A corrupt fucking system, that thrives on people’s acceptance and silence We are all sick with society, a capitalist nightmare disease which infects us all We are all forced to play the game, which perpetuates their control We are all guilty but who will voice their opposition? Who will hold these corrupt bastards to account? And who will just be silent? Who will just be a silent drone too afraid to stand up? And who will ridicule anyone who speaks out and assume we must live in fucking caves before we can speak out against this corrupt fucking system They are the perpetuators not us. We are all stuck in this corrupt fucking system and we all must utilize the technology and advancements this system has created against itself and ‘byte’ back Fuck those people and their acceptance for a quiet life We are all victims of the lying slime-politicians who abuse their power and protect their privileged positions They do not speak for us; they protect their business interests, bar tabs and 2nd homes The vote changes nothing The same grey suits with different colored badges, always shit on us from above Greedy banker scum cripple the world economy just for laughs to pit working people against each other Remember, war is big business and there is always a murderous bloody profit to be made Rolled up trouser legs and funny handshakes rule this world, freemason-pieces-of-shit control our lives Bosses and managers suck each other’s dicks whilst plotting and blacklisting hard working people in order to fill their greedy fat pockets with more and more money-drugs Multinational death-corporations rape our earth A global corrupt fucking gang that will annihilate our world with their total disregard for our fragile ecosystem in the relentless quest for wealth We are all victims of a global religious disease A denial of facts that hinders the advancement and evolution of the human race Brainwashed masses of under-developed-brain followers of faith They continuously regurgitate and reinvent their lies and deception to control and herd like sheep Children mentally and physically abused and brainwashed to continue these myths generation upon generation Propping up a corrupt global un-intelligence based on thanatophobia! Fuck their corrupt morality and inbred superstitions Together we are powerful We must strive for a better world, a world without these corrupt fucking systems If we do nothing we are doomed for eternity