Buffont birds and burger boys Are partying again Greasy finger grope the twin sets On the old ghost train And pushing through the punters Beneath the fairground glare It's Johnny Tuff, Johnny Tuff, Duck-tail in his hair, It's Johnny Tuff, Johnny Tuff, Duck-tail in his hair. He's pushing his way to the queue front Knocking hats off fools He stands up in the chair plane It's quite against the rules Who is that animal screaming At the girls from local schools? It's Johnny Tuff, Johnny Tuff, Flexing his tattoos It's Johnny Tuff, Johnny Tuff, Flexing his tattoos. He keeps a medicine ball hanging just inside his shed So he can keep in training hitting it with his head He'll nut you at the local hop if you as much as glance At Johnny Tuff and his bit of stuff when they begin to dance Oh, Johnny he's from way back, How far no one knows, The Original Boy-o Still in the same old clothes. They say he never grew up, That's why he's all the rage, It's Johnny Tuff, Johnny Tuff, Permanent teenage It's Johnny Tuff, Johnny Tuff, Permanent teenage Here's to Elv and Eddie Brando and Jimmy too, And crepes n' drapes and leather gear Ace cafe-food n' brew But the hero of our story He will always be the King It's Johnny Tuff, Johnny Tuff, Everybody sing, (or else) Johnny Tuff, Johnny Tuff, Johnny Tuff