Well I know this girl named bonita She's what all the boys call a freaka And if you don't want to get fined/ fired don't you put no swine on her plate And I know this man from the islands He want boom boom for the batty man But I heard from above the true meaning of one love But who are we to give up on anyone And he that is without sin first cast the stone Judge not lest ye be judged with the same judgment Well I know this dude who's a pusher He got any drug you can think of And he'll sling it your way every day but the Sabbath day And I know this small sect of Muslims Who don't like drug dealers so they kill 'em But every three from afar you can hear them praying to Allah So who are we to give up on anyone And he that is without sin first cast the stone Judge not lest ye be judged with the same judgment But who are we to give up on anyone And he that is without sin first cast the stone Judge not lest ye be judged with the same judgment Same judgment Same judgment Same judgment I'm married to the backslider, we are in love So who are you to talk about a life that I have touched Be a people person Be a people person And I know this girl named Bonita Her names Bonita They call her freaka Well I know this dude who's a preacher You can feel the anointing when he meets ya But I refuse to ignore he be ******* for the deacon board And I know this woman who be praying Hear them spiritual words she be saying But put a drink in her hand and she'll curse you like a sailor man But who are we to give up on anyone And he that is without sin first cast the stone Judge not lest ye be judged with the same judgment But who are we to give up on anyone And he that is without sin first cast the stone Judge not lest ye be judged with the same judgement And I know this girl named Bonita