Donna Summer

When The Dream Never Dies

Donna Summer

Deep in my heart was an ember of longin
kept warm by the flame of the desire
A dream held in secret I yearned to hold openly
fanned by my hope into fire 
It burned to such heat I could touch it no more 
So I put it away and then closed up the door 
Forever extinguishing all that would keep it alive 
But the dream never dies

The lord has done this for me
He has looked on me kindly
He has heard all my cries
he has given me back what I laid of his feet 
It must be god 
When the dream never dies

Isn't it just like the lord to invite me 
To put all my dreams in his hands 
Forever releasing the grip that once held them 
Forever surrending my plans 
And then when he's certain it's not born of men
He calls for the fire to rikindle again 
And he asks me to know in my heart 
What's not seen with my eyes 
So the dreams never dies