Heavens in, in the night I hand in my resignation Am I, am I losing you like the years? Am I, am I losing you? My anxiety withers like fears, bitter inside Can I get some air? Honestly, it takes it out of me Reaching for the light when it goes suddenly out Honestly, it takes it out of me Reaching for the light when it goes suddenly out Heavens in, in the night I land in my designation Am I, am I losing you like the years? Am I, am I losing you like reality? Withering fears, bittеr, I fight Can I get some air? Honestly, it takеs it out of me Reaching for the light when it goes suddenly out Honestly, it takes it out of me Reaching for the light when it goes suddenly out You might also like Meteora blues Yves tumor In spite of war Yves tumor This time Donna missal Honestly, it takes it out of me Honestly, it takes it out of me Honestly, it takes it out of me Honestly, it takes it out of me