If ever a man could fool the sinner’s brigade ‘T was josephat the rattle saint Tied to a cripple ‘n’ his walkin’ cain Josephat the rattle saint He learned the tricks of the trade from a roadhouse priest At community gatherings for the long deceased He kept a fistfull of verses in a strapped up piece Of nylons Droppin’ hallelujahs to keep track of his faith Josephat the rattle saint The poor man’s gospel’s renegade Josephat the rattle saint He had a 1, 000, 000 words to describe your pain Some of them were gonna take him years to explain But he would always find the perfect excuse to pray For silence Preachin’ on the roof of a brimstone chapel How God got fooled by a doggone apple Like a do-right-daddy in charge of a rebel asylum Callin’ all the boys below Chewin’ on a vickar’s bone You can’t get to heaven if you plan to keep your seatbelt on If a tresspassin’ spirit would come your way He’s josephat the rattle saint Payin’ with his visa on judgment day Josephat the rattle saint He’s got too many reasons to turn to the lord ‘N’ none of them is ever gonna get him aboard But he is not the kinda fellow to ever get a reward for tryin’ Callin’ all you reckless men Bummin' around heaven again Who are we to say that our good lord’s gone insane