Donkey Diesel

Catfish Blues

Donkey Diesel

At sea, a man’s to lose his past day by day
A pocketful of sand to come home to again
A dime for every secret on which oceans were built
Beakens lit wherever throats are slit at will

You don’t miss your water
Once all hope is gone
You don’t miss your water
You’re just bound to drown
In catfish blues

He’s got 9 lives of cat fights
Raw like milk
A penny for each thought on which nations were built
A waste of breath the words to come in this ball and chain
With room for one more drink to come home to again

You don’t miss your water
When divided you stand
You don’t miss your water
The way our captain can

Now the ship is at the landing with the rains pouring down
A smile for every secret to which his thoughts have gone out
You won’t miss your water not by growing them fins
But to call yourself a sailor once you’re stranded with
The catfish blues