Donkey Diesel

A Punk (In The Army Of The Lord)

Donkey Diesel

I'm a punk in the army of the lord
In the trenches of a world gone sore
Shoutin' out while moaning low
Like a lover a parole
Getting drunk in the belle fox store

I'm a punk in the army of the lord
Just an outcast in the chief's bottom drawer
Soldiers stare in disbelief
At the medals on my sleeve
Standig tall without the proper uniform

I got sidetracked by the masses, boogered by a few
I skipped all of the classes our Jesus once did too
'N' though evil tried its luck on this cotton pickin' punk
I'm a rooster bound to boost this town
Till the angels drop their skunk

I'm a punk in the army of the lord
Punchin' holes in the church's back door
I don't want to waste my life
Countin' blessings all the time
Cause I know that somewhere somebody keeps the score

I was a hopped up pitbull boyscout with a body built for speed
Left him shell shocked on the playgrounds
At the wrong side of the street
I guess lightning's bound to strike on the most secluded kind
Show any man that's free from sin
'N' I'll show him the time of his life

I'm a punk in the army of the lord
I wear a smile most people can't afford
It keeps me warm & dry
Didn't cost me a dime
I just took it from a 5 year old

I'm a punk
He's a mohawk monk
I got stung
In a world of junk
Smokin' skunk
Baptised chuncks getting drunk
He's the priest of fun