If it? money, One! One! Anybody is ok. Cannot grab it, Cannot have more, only linger You wanted a dream of miracle, but there? nothing like it. You judge everything, it? unnecessary if it doesn?? worth any money. Now I? through with love, my faith has gone, I can turn my back from anyone. If it? money, One! One! Anybody is ok. If not Two!, Two! You can Forget it. No, you life is only given once, Don? be following things that are not worth a thing. **You are too Up and going down down It? only an obsession toward uncertainty Look back on those days of happiness, where is your honesty? Now stop Up and going down down Don? be a follower Don? sell out your individuality Your life is one shot. ?o matter what, I? the best? Please throw out this kind of endless egoism. You can? do all by yourself, there are others besides you. Don? leave behind your regrets behind, Look around and realize that you are alone. There? no love, no faith. Only the surface. It? hard to decide ?ill the end because everything is not perfect. Learn from your failure, strengthen yourself Even if you become shabby or a rich, only you?l know, Which was real. Your pride was only a dream, could have fled away Don? lose yourself, don? be like that, don? give up. **REPEAT