Where the deep blue pearly waters Wash upon white silver sands There on the brink of love I kissed her And obeyed our hearts command Where the deep blue pearly waters Wash upon white silver sands We watched the sun set in the evening In a far and distant land So were beneath skies blue heaven There's a place I must go See the sun set in the evening With the only love I know Where the deep blue pearly waters Wash upon white silver sands There on the brink of love I kissed her And obeyed our hearts command [Instrumental Interlude] Where the deep blue pearly waters Wash upon white silver sands There on the brink of love I kissed her And obeyed our hearts command We watched the sun set in the evening See the moon yellow and pale Watch the gaucho's ride the pinto's All across the pampas trail Where the deep blue pearly waters Wash upon white silver sands There on the brink of love I kissed her And obeyed our hearts command