Diane, diane, unfaithful diane With golden hair and lips like wine And blue eyes, as blue as the sky A dream i once knew knew that can never come true And only in dreams is she mine Oh diane, diane, unfaithful diane My heart is at your command Why should my heart so true, love, all be for you Why i can't understand So heartsick i'll be, 'cause you'll never love me You'll never love any one man Oh diane, diane, unfaithful diane Oh, not so long ago, this angel i know She got hold in my arms so tight I knew she were true, but just like a fool I lin-gered, now i cry each night For diane, diane, unfaithful diane Oh, my heart is at your command Why should my heart so true, love, all be for you Why i can't understand So heartsick i'll be, 'cause you'll never love me But i still love you, diane