Dance, milady, in the mist A rotting glow will follow thee Even kings will bow to your knees For you and because of you I'm asking sages Who or what do we think you are?! Captured sadness An artificial lily A frozen lake Unleashed fury flogging fettered horses A kaleidoscope A merry-go-round You are a cog wheel Winding up the clock of life A hidden tattoo A merry-go-round A borderline You're a part of it Let my arms be thy cross Spread on both the North and South poles Watching fire in the sun Yes, I can truly see you now I await the inevitable knock on the door For the time will come someday Just when I discover what life is at last But I know that this time will help me to fulfil my oath Which was branded in us On our birthday Oh, death - what are you? Where can I find your trace? Is it in the grey hair of my grandmother Or in my brother's fading eyes Or in the depths of a human soul You're the justice of the world Baudelaire's fantasies Goya's visions of war Dance Macabre Condemnation Through the tunnel of light I crawl And then into the Styx I fall Charon takes my last obol Est-ce que tou sa n'est qu'un fruit de mon imagination? Pulsing light In the blink of an eye Like a united song Everyone is equal And it ends "Not with a bang but a whimper"