Liberty! Oh, where can I find thee? Mazza Will demonstrate your poor dignity I've gone way too far Now my mission has turned against me Don't waste my time Your eyes won't see the hammer going down I'm the hand of the law Abandon your hope And look around They want a show Symbolic masquerade Mystery of Death Pulsing veins of your neck Will make my knife wet Religion prevails again Start preying to your god Destiny! Is this what you've prepared for me? Do I have to suffer for the rest of humanity? I've gone way too far Now my mission has turned against me I know it's the end But I won't die in vain The martyr I am I see your world already dying I know I'm only the maker of the cause Let Mazza hit the corrupted Earth My death will be your birth Release your dreams and spread your wings Be grateful and remember me 'Yause I sacrificed my life for you Kill me now Change your brain My vision remains Time will be the judge of us But you can't make my ideas dead You can't...