The Morning After Intro: Another day goes by and the angels on the front lines cry Another day goes by and the angels on the front lines cry Dem say: Chorus: Why oh why did this baby have to die? This precious little life supposed to protect was I. Why oh why did this baby have to die? This precious little life supposed to protect was I. Why oh why, dem angels cry Verse 1: A word to the wise (or should I say, ?not so wise?): Don?t you understand that this thing that you call a . Is your baby girl?s little life? Just because your baby was conceived through sexual immorality, fornication It does not mean that your baby?s an accident, a mess up She?s a specially woven creation. Not just an obligation. How is then that you justify your action? How is it that you say your baby girl is nothing more than a ?has been?? Someone you got in the way, who just added weight, ?She made my back to ache.? What about your baby, did you ask her how she felt? Sadly neglected, rejected by mommy and daddy Longing to hear your words of endearment, tears of joy, Mabye an ?I love you?, ?Is it a girl? Is it a boy?? What about her life? And what about her rights? Does she get to choose if she lives or dies? Na ah. Why? Cuz you didn?t listen to her cries Consumed by your selfish, self-seeking lies How ?bout prison for life, or the electric chair? An eye for an eye? Is that not the penalty for murder in this nation? Oh I?m sorry, it?s a week before she?s born, therefore a government paid operation Wasting a life as far as I?m concerned If fair was fair, your tombstone would be written You?d be buried next to your baby in the cemetery But na ah, quite on the contrary: you walk mile after mile Only because God gives you grace that you never gave to your child Chorus: Why oh why did this baby have to die? This precious little life supposed to protect was I. Why oh why did this baby have to die? This precious little life supposed to protect was I. Why oh why, dem angels Verse 2: Coming at me with excuses are you? ?Who me?? Yeah you. Shoo fly, shoo; that?s how you treated your baby boy true? As if he wasn?t a part of you As if he wasn?t a direct effect to your actions Or should I say ?reaction? to your attraction of sexual immorality ?We should?ve used protection, ?Shouldn?t have gone so far? ?Should?ve broken it off? ?Should?ve gotten out the car? Shoulda, woulda, coulda. It was up to you, you made the choice. You should suffer the consequences, but you put them on your baby boy. Wo, wo, wo daddy! Don?t you think I?m not talking to you Just cuz you don?t hold the baby, what are your innocent too? Not true! Who convinced her to go through with it? ho drove her up to the clinic? Who paid for the death of your baby boy? It was your choice, to not stop. Look at the clock, take her home, it?s late. Did you even hesitate? Mabye next time you?ll realize that this aint a game And if your baby was here, you?d hear him say: ?Take your hands off mommy. Respect her like she?s your sister. Love her with real love. Like she?s worth more than an aborted son.? And girl, you?re worth more than that Than giving away yourself in the back of a hatchback ?But we can?t afford to feed him. How?s he gonna eat?? What, your Heavenly Father feeds the birds of the air, And the grass of the field; But you think when it comes to your son that He?s gonna slack? Well think again Jack. ?But I?m too strung out, I?m too doped up.? Well throw away your pipe, get on your knees and pray Find yourself a job, and watch your Heavenly Father bring change. Chorus: Why oh why did this baby have to die? This precious little life supposed to protect was I. Why oh why did this baby have to die? This precious little life supposed to protect was I. Why oh why, dem angels cry Bridge: So if abortion?s the answer, then what is the question? Have we gone this low as a holy nation? If a baby is a life, but a wrong is right Then do they really have the choice if they live or die? Outro: But mommy don?t you cry And daddy don?t you cry Cuz our Yeshua gonna make everything alright tonight, Inside you cry tonight Those tears inside fall from your eyes tonight But our Father say: ?Where?s your baby gone? With me now he?s come home. Cuz I and I won?t let this baby die tonight, he is alive He?s in my arms, he?s my delight tonight She is alive, she?s in my arms, she?s my delight tonight Restoration is the proclamation that I am making tonight? Yes, restoration is the proclamation Heavenly Father is making tonight.