We are not for sale We are not for sale We are not for sale We are not for sale You can't put a price on a human life It's not mine to sell it's not yours to buy All came from the dirt and we'll return to earth Who are we to decide another man's worth Created equal without social status Without social systems of cast or classes It's even scales as far as I can tell We didn't make mankind it's not ours to sell How's this for pathetic down right ironic The land of the free And the slave owners run it Shipping drugs to the drug lords Girls to the strip clubs Boys to the fields and guns to the gang wars It's blasphemous We write in God we trust On a hundred dollar bill to fulfill a man's lust More slave's today than transatlantic slave trade Underground genocide sending youth to their grave Do we even know the truth Bout the clothes that we choose Made by slaves and the food we consume I'm right there with you I never knew So here's twenty two to name just a few Coffee and cotton Chocolate and diamonds Gold rings rubies Just like the movies Sugarcane and charcoal Paper and gravel Cell phones pornography Carpets and cattle The rice in my fryer The rubber on my tires Tea and tobacco Granite for my castle Silk for my linen Buttons for my denim Sneakers for my feet Worth more than human Yep you heard right for the price of some nikes You could own a girl's freedom sex slave for life The worst part You didn't think twice Still the fact remains She ain't your to buy