Dominic Balli

Just a Little Bit Longer

Dominic Balli

I feel like I know you
Like I've known you for years
I've been waiting for you
Full of expectation and fear

How long are you staying?
When will you leave?
Whatever the plan is now
I'm begging you, please

Just a little bit longer
Just a little bit longer
Please just stay
A little bit longer
A little bit longer

Somebody slow down time
Or give me a little more
I know that it hurts to stay
And it hurts me if you go

I mean now that you're with me
What the hell am I supposed to do?
I don't wanna say goodbye
But I know it's coming soon

Just a little bit longer
Just a little bit longer
Please just stay
A little bit longer
A little bit longer

Cause I don't know if I know how to do this
I don't think that I could say goodbye
I've done all I can to try and stop it
But I know I can't stop time

I don't know that I know how to do this
I don't think that I can say goodbye
I've done all I can to try and stop it
But I know I can't stop time

So just a little bit longer
Just a little bit longer
Please just stay a little bit longer