Domini Magica

Frozen Heart

Domini Magica

The clouds lies frosen a sky of stone 
I´m woundering why the wind is so cold 
the ground lies silent and forever so 
I´m woundering why the grass do not grow 

The things I find I cant understand 
our mother is dying, just trying to breath 
supposed to fill the rest of my life 
I´ll take you inside and close down for today 

A well planned fake that takes me to high 
I know what I see but it´s easy to lie 
a mirror in front of you, it´s easy to see 
just to be free, just to be me 

A silent sea no deep mystery 
A coldblood murder with no regrets 
my soul remembers the death inside 
still I wounder and still I cry 

Sometimes I don´t know why 
sometimes I really understand 

My emotions they´ll sing with the wind 
My anger rage through the storm 
My emotions they´ll sing with the wind 
I´m bleeding my heat away