The Sun turns black the sky as blood-it's judgment on this earth
The pains of birth facilitate the absolute of God's word

We're not getting out alive
Cursed to live and then to die
Consume it all within the flames
To consummate this age

Scavengers will gather for the royal feast
The perfume of the whore is the halo of the beast

A robe that's been dipped in blood
From the wine press that it runs
Wrath, oh righteous sovereign wrath
Oh God you are just and true

Repent not from the works of your hands
Repent not from the worship of man

He'll reap a harvest he has not sown and judge the quick and dead
He made it all he makes the rules better do as he has said


Repent not from the works of your hands
Repent not from the worship of imams

Evil will be slaughtered at the edge of the sward
That proceedeth form the mouth of Jesus Christ the king


Thus saith the lord in the end is all there is
Thus saith the lord will be the final word
Thus saith the lord is the only absolute