Elements of creation - sinew knit with sinew by the potters hand
Knit within the womb the one and only breath of life into hopeless man
Humanity will not fit into the box of good intentions
Nothing of any value will come form man if left to his devices

We've been handed failure - the error is learned
Philosophy of culture - the truth obscured
Our spirit is ruptured - conscience burned
World held in bondage - inherently depraved
Hearts self deception - make broad his ways
Legitimize temptation - ruin his grace

Entrenched within our lies - refuge of false doctrine violently forced our way to hell
Exception to the rule everyone is an exception no one follows the rules

Half beast and half devil - brutish blind and dumb compelled by your own lust
No death to sin it manipulates your members as we return to dust

World held in bondage - inherently depraved
Hearts self deception - make broad his ways
Legitimize temptation - ruin his grace

Many who have died in sin lived with a conviction loved the world and hated God
Exception to the rule everyone is an exception no one follows the rules

Interpret through vain philosophy it's a tragedy
Erroneous ritual done religiously - this is nothing
Ultimate defective mans depravity pious impiety

The heart is deceptive
But whom does it deceive?
Only the one who feels its thump
In the chest in which it beats

The heart is deceitful
And subservient to lust
It will twist anything
Just to get what it wants