Blown on the winds of the devils doctrine
To feed the animal creature lust
Blood sacrifice for this harmony with nature
To save the earth by killing man is this doctrines endgame
It really is a depraved faith that strays from the Bible
And thinks it can be merged with Darwin
Amalgamated faiths have only exchanged Truth for lies

There can absolutely be no union with the death cult evolution and the doctrines of Christ
The hellish faith that man is nothing but an animal
The communal well has been poisoned by the unholy union of the darkness and Light
The hellish faith that man is God and no one is accountable

Entrenched religion-Christ's antithesis
Apostate Christians still hold onto this
The winds of doctrine rampant with our sin
Creature is worshiped where Christ once had been

Exalt the man-God
Faith becomes a fraud

The green dragon tastes the air and can sense the apostasy
Of the reconciling of Marx and Christ has nearly been complete

Spitting in the face of the Holy One of Israel
Claiming to have faith but diabolic like the devil

The Eden that's been lost in all its glory re-imagined
Better dig a massive hole for the bodies of the Christians

A worldview built on the doctrines of the devil
Contradictory claim to the God of Israel

Exalt the man-God
Faith becomes a fraud