I just came down from lovers' well some pleasure for to find A handsome girl from Michigan so pleasing to my mind With rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes this arrow's pierced my breast And they called her handsome Mary, the lily of the west I courted her for many's a day, her love I chanced to gain But too soon she slighted me which caused me grief and pain She stole away my liberty and deprived me of my rest And they called her handsome Mary, the lily of the west As I roved out one evening down by the riverside I spied a lord of a high degree conversing to my bride He sang a song so merrily whilst I was sore oppressed And he sang to handsome Mary, the lily of the west I rushed up to my rival, a dagger in my hand I tore her from his arms and boldly did him stab Being mad with desperation my dagger pierced his breast And I was betrayed by Mary, the lily of the west 1