Oh when I was young and full of fun like many's a dashing blade My own delight from morn to night was to court a comely maid I'd walk with her and talk with her as thousands have done before Oh but it's little I knew she would prove untrue, wee Kitty from Ballinamore Young Kitty was tall and handsome and gentle as a dove Ten times a day she used to say with me she was in love Oh when she'd say this, I'd have a kiss, I would love her more and more For without a lie I would then die for Kitty from Ballinamore Oh it was her parents I must blame to leave her in such a state Although I was poor, they couldn't endure for to court their daughter, Kate Although I loved her dearly and told them o'er and o'er For without a lie I would then die for Kitty from Ballinamore "Well indeed, my love," says Kitty, "I'd rather be a soldier's wife To dress myself in man's attire, go fight for all of my life" So the very next day he sailed away and joined the foreign force For without a lie he would then die for Kitty from Ballinamore But I was not very long listed when a letter I did receive And when I read the answer I thought I'd get some ease But the very first line that I did read, it grieved my heart full sore For young Kitty was wed to a farmer's son in the town of Ballinamore So come all you pretty, fair, young men, a warning take by me Don't fall in love with every wee girl that you see For they'll tell you this and they'll tell you that and they'll do like they done before They will curl their hair and leave you there like Kitty from Ballinamore