Once I roved out on a fine summer's day The fields were in blossom, and the meadows were gay I spied a wee lassie tripping over the green And I took her for Helen, that Grecian queen That Grecian queen, that Grecian queen And I took her for Helen, that Grecian queen She's admired by others, I know them right well Every morning to view that sweet spot where she dwells Beneath the hawthorn at the brink on yon hill May she never marry, but think on me still But think on me still, but think on me still May she never marry, but think on me still Oh me parents died on me, and it's all for their sake And oft times it causes my poor heart to break But the more I think on them, oh the more I will say That there's no one will be mine but the wee lass on the brae Oh and faith, there's a decline over yon far-off sky It's off to my darling like lightning I'll fly If the night was as long as a long summer's day I would cheerfully sit with the wee lass on the brae The wee lass on the brae, the wee lass on the brae I would cheerfully sit with the wee lass on the brae So fare thee well, darling, I love you the best And may you be happy and may you be blessed And may you think on me, oh when I'm far away For there's no one will be mine but the wee lass on the brae The wee lass on the brae, the wee lass on the brae For there's no one will be mine but the wee lass on the brae