Dolly Parton

Turn Turn Turn (To Everything There Is a Season)

Dolly Parton

To Everything
Turn, Turn, Turn
There Is a Season
Turn, Turn, Turn
And a Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven
A Time to Be Born, a Time to Die
A Time to Plant, a Time to Reap
A Time to Kill, a Time to Heal
A Time to Laugh, a Time to Weep

To Everything
Turn, Turn, Turn
There Is a Season
Turn, Turn, Turn
And a Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven

A Time to Build Up, a Time to Break Down
A Time to Dance, a Time to Mourn
A Time to Cast Away Stones
A Time to Gather Stones Together

To Everything
Turn, Turn, Turn
There Is a Season
Turn, Turn, Turn
And a Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven

A Time of Love, a Time of Hate
A Time of War, a Time of Peace
A Time You May Embrace
A Time to Refrain From Embracings

A Time to Gain, a Time to Lose
A Time to Rend, a Time to Sew
A Time to Love, a Time to Hate
A Time of Peace, I Swear It's Not Too Late