Dolly Parton

Lonely Comin' Down

Dolly Parton

I Woke Up This Morning in a Strange Place
I Looked Into the Mirror At a Strange Face
Then I Looked For You But You Could Not Be Found
And Then I Felt the Lonely Comin' Down
I Walked Across the Room to the Empty Bed
Saw the Imprint On the Pillow Where You Laid Your Head
The Presence of You Still Lingered All Around
And Once Again I Felt the Lonely Comin' Down

Then I Felt the Lonely Dripping Down My Face
As I Realized no One Could Take Your Place
I Wondered Where the Love Had Gone That We Had Found
And Then Again I Felt the Lonely Comin' Down

I Wondered Where the Love Had Gone That We Had Found
And Again I Felt the Lonely Comin' Down
