Weightless fed on the shavings of a carved hole it'll suck me in weightless i'm a bridge for you i'm a bridge for you suspension weightless fed on the shavings of a carved hole it'll suck me in weightless i'm a bridge for you i'm a bridge for you suspension weightless it's here she said around the bend she said from the arbor to the ashbin i fell i believed in you yes i believed in you but my footing just never held it never had i never felt it never had i never felt it never had i never felt it never had i never felt weightless drunk on the swill of a hopeful mind it'll rip me out weightless a bone yard for the kicking tongues in a forked flicker weightless see the girls down there their playthings tumble these things all need a place to drop don't believe in it like i believed in it the sinking never stops it never had i never felt it never had i never felt it never had i never felt it never had i never felt weightless it never had i never felt it never had i never felt it never had i never felt it never had i never felt weightless