Caroline Makes the final adjustments In her rear-view mirror She's nervous and tense But she's thinking it over With logic and sense She'll overcome her phobia... Oh to paint her eyes so red and her lips so blue Carve her legend on the bow - caroline four-five-two When they come to call for her i will be there too... Observe observe Radio silence observe Maintain thoughout where can he be? What's wrong with the parking meter? what's happening to me? She'll burst a blood vessel if he doesn't show She's caught up in traffic And i'm on her radio... Oh to paint her eyes so red and her lips so blue Raise her likeness on the mast - caroline four-five-two When they come to call for her, i will be there too... She tune in till the tune suits her right She tune in till the dial come alright She tune the dial till the needles.'s in the white Tune in tonight Tune in tonight Tune in tonight... Try to think of nothing