Fill your face, get fat and gripe Wast your life in a crack pipe Once you're wasted, get behind the wheel Are you seeing double? With death you deal... Rip off your friends to buy a hit They won't miss it, take it and split You'll pay it back, they will insist But, don't come cryin' if it's with a fist! SEE IF I CARE, SEE IF I CARE SEE IF I CARE, SEE IF I CARE Stick yourself with pins and needles Drown yourself in alcohol Fuck around without a condom You think you're immortal, but you'll fall SEE IF I CARE, SEE IF I CARE SEE IF I CARE, SEE IF I CARE Quit your job. Now you're free! You want a TV? Just B&E! You won't get caught, you're much too slick You're too much GOD to be a convict I ain't gonna preach to you You run your life, you do what you do Just don't cry to me when you get fucked over Every man reaps what he sows Lose your friends, cuz they don't believe They disclaim the lies you weave Fuck em' all, they ain't worth dick! Your shit don't stink, you hypocrite!