Dogs With Jobs

Blow My Mind

Dogs With Jobs

Black leather for my saddle
Hard chrome for my reins
My iron horse is flyin'
In the midnight rain

I'm leaning fast into the wind,
rain whipping in my face
I couldn't give a flying fuck
Hell's fire couldn't slow my pace

I'm going out... to BLOW MY MIND
To raise some cain with some bro's of mine
I'm freaking out... to BLOW MY MIND
To shock my brain till I lose all time

The distance is now closing
'tween me and beer's embrace
Can't wait until I get there
Can't wait to get shitfaced

I am racing downtown
to meet up with the boys
In a smelly ugly basement bar
for some hellish metal noise

Black leather for my saddle
hard chrome for my reins
My iron horse is flying
in the midnight rain

Wet pavement burns beneath my wheels
Rain is scalding on my face
My hog is screaming through the night
Oh, man I'm gonna trash that place!