I know nothing, don't know much I think my education's gone out to lunch I can't remember, I cannot think what is the difference between iron and zinc I can listen, I can speak But my conversational skills are gobblety-geek I know Harold in 1066 Got shot in the eye with a long pointy stick Revolutions and World War Two is it true what they say That Charles de Gaulle was a hero and Churchill's a Nero I threw that away I get up when I like Wear anything I like Don't keep up with the cool I make up my own rules Don't have to eat my greens Or keep my bedroom extra tidy 'Cause nobody is around to tell me off I can lounge about in my house 'cause lounging about is...good I know all i need to know Why talk Sahili if it's where i won't go Latin is clever and sexy is French Sprechen sie Deutsche would hardly make sense Inquisitions and missionaries seem fairly bizarre Do I follow commandments from Moses or petals off roses I am the Czar I get up when I like Wear anything I like Don't keep up with the cool I make up my own rules Don't have to eat my greens Or keep my bedroom extra tidy 'Cause nobody is around to tell me off I can lounge about in my house 'cause lounging about is...good Revolutions and World War Two is it true what they say That Charles de Gaulle was a hero and Churchill's a Nero I threw that away I get up when I like Wear anything I like Don't keep up with the cool I make up my own rules Don't have to eat my greens Or keep my bedroom extra tidy 'Cause nobody is around to tell me off l- l- l -l -l -l -l -l -lounge