Dodie Clark


Dodie Clark

I saw this thing that I think that you’d like
So I went online and bought ten
Got embarrassed when they arrived
Threw them out, never mind
Think I'm getting weird again

Oh babe, you need space? Don’t even worry
I’ll hitch a ride to the Moon
But I stopped off at Prague, didn’t get very far
Think I'm getting too weird too soon

Aw shit, we were doing so well there
There was no need to go crazy to start
Well, there’s no need for it now
And yet I'm somehow
Still saying it here, and calling it art

So I’ll block you on Insta, and I’ll walk the earth
Holding my adult head high
Then I'll cry at the sight of you
You love me? That’s kind of you

Yeah, I'm feeling loopy
It isn’t my duty
Good luck, mate, you’ll smash it!
God, I'm feeling batshit

I’ll go on a binge of you
I’d sniff a pinch of you
Guess I'm unhinged

