Do-Re Music

Musical Notes

Do-Re Music

To do do dominate all the musical notes
You have to re re repeat many times

And after you mi mi mi mix them you’ll do
A fa fa fa fabulous song
Feel in in your sol sol sol soul
La ra ri lala lara
It’s a ti ti ti tiny little thing

Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti La Sol Fa Mi Re Do
Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti La Sol Fa Mi Re Do

For do do do do it right just hear me out
Follow the re re recipe of this song
You put a mi mi milagram of happiness and joy
A drop of fa fa fa Family love and fun
Then you mix sol sol so many times until it’s ready to cook

It’s a ti ti ti tiny little thing

Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti La Sol Fa Mi Re Do
Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti La Sol Fa Mi Re Do