Child 1 : Why don't you tell me a story? Child 2 : Please tell me a story too. Man : You know, I think I'll tell you the story of my life. Child 1 : You tell me! Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto! Check me out! Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto! Check check me out! Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto! I'm a bad ass motherfuckin' DJ This is why I walk and talk this way! I'm a bad ass motherfuckin' DJ This is why I walk and talk this way! I'm a bad ass motherfuckin' DJ This is why I walk and talk this way! You suckers! He's the master of disaster and the master of beat Come-Come-Come-Come-Come with it Ghetto-ghetto-ghetto-ghetto-ghetto-to He's so quick He's so fast He's so quick, he's so fast He's upper-class player / He's on the crossfader (?) DJ Shadow with the scratch Moves through town like a skater Come on, rock Check out the cut you suckers This is why, this is why I walk This is why, this is why I walk I'm a bad ass motherfuckin' DJ This is why, this is why I walk This is why, this is why I walk This is why, this is why I walk and talk this way Check me out Rave! Rave! Rave! Rave! Rave! Rave! Holy shit! Rave! Rave! Rave! Rave! Rave! Rave! Holy shit! Let the beat rock.