Baby I know that you're tired of me Leaving town on you (For every traveling man) Wishing that I didn't have to go (and woman) Do the things I do I'll be home in the morning and I'll spend some time with you But I gotta go now But I gotta go now I know at times you may wonder What have I signed up for A romance with an invisible man on tour? My baby just got home now he's leaving again Every time I pack my bags You go from lip poked out to you need any help Did you remember such and such when I leave out for the bus I'm like dag man how can she be so understanding Got you man feeling like a champion Your smile still takes my breath away Your love keeps me tender so I don't go astray Your voice is therapeutic when I'm thinking of breaking I've got heaven right here on earth that's why I'm saying I remember when we first started out Confusion from the past gave reason for doubt Always taking time to pray instead of running away Working through all my issues making you grab for the tissues I promise to bless you with whatever I can Bring you presents from the road cause I'm a traveling man Yet you remind me that it cannot substitute for when I'm next to you That's why this kid is en route Your smile - a reflection of the face of God Your love - strengthening when the game gets hard Your voice - speaks truth when I think I can't make it Sorry fellas, but the best one's taken Someday I will make it up to you No more five in the morning I will be all yours You will be all mine Gotta go Gotta gotta go